Nourish your body. Feed your soul.
Get real talk about the struggle of and solutions for dealing with disordered eating as Christians.
Real talk and real solutions for Christian women who struggle with restrictive food rules, emotional eating, yo-yo diets, and body shame with a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Biblical Counselor who has been right where you are. Discover true food freedom in the context of true faith and let‘s have some fun along the way!
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
We all know that our bodies don’t stay exactly the same as the decades go by, but many of the nutrition messages do not reflect this.
People often fear inevitable weight gain and health problems with menopause and aging, but this does not have to be so! You have a large say in how your body responds to these life stages and in your health (and weight) maintenance.
Today we are discussing menopause & age-related weight gain. Learn how to prepare for these life stages and how to adopt the daily behaviors to bring you into the later decades with strength, health, and power.
To join the free monthly email newsletter and get special resources, such as the Rev Up Your Metabolism tip sheet in the January 2022 newsletter, sign up at
I am excited to invite you to the new private FaceBook group for our listeners! To join the True Food Freedom & Faith community, go here!
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
You are being fed a constant message that could be causing damage to your life or to your loved ones. And this message is that everyone is expected to look a certain way, be a certain shape or size, and do all within their power to get as close to the ideal image as possible.
Because the body shame trap is so powerful, it's actually hard to see it. It's difficult to stand back and question whether the messages of beauty and weight loss have the correct focus for our lives.
In this episode, we will step back to look at the trap of body shame that consumes many of us, identify it for what it is, and then discuss how to get out of its strong grasp.
Check out my blog post to see more information about the body shame trap and how you can escape it with me at
Don’t miss another blog post or podcast! Sign up for the monthly email newsletter to receive free resources, special discounts, announcements, and be alerted to all new podcasts and blog posts at and fill out the pink form on the right sidebar.
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
It used to be that we were told to eat a fat-free or low-fat diet in order to be healthy. Fast forward to today; we are being told to eat high-fat diets to lose belly fat and weight. What's going on here? What is the true information?
In this final episode on the macronutrients, we will discuss what fats are, what they do, and best practices for eating fats in the most nutritious and balanced way.
It's all about fat today!
To use the 50% discount on all services booked and paid in full, go to and use the discount code DECEMBER21 at checkout! This offer expires 12/31/2021 so don't wait!
To get the FREE ebook "3 Steps to Guilt-Free Eating" go to and fill out the blue form at the bottom of the page. You will receive your ebook by email and receive the monthly newsletter full of free resources!
To leave a question or comment for the podcast (and I'd love to hear from you!), visit and fill out the Comment form or record your question or comment. Your question (or recording) may be used on a future episode of the True Food Freedom & Faith podcast!
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
This episode is part 2 addressing the many factors that can contribute to holiday weight gain and the challenges that can come with the holiday season. We will look at these additional factors and ways to deal with them successfully so you can enjoy God’s blessings this holiday season.
There really is more to holiday weight gain than just all the cookies, although that can certainly be a part of it. In the last episode we looked at 3 factors that contribute to the holiday weight gain potential: expectations, scheduling upheavals, and the physical effects of the climate and sleep disturbances.
Today we will look at 3 more holiday challenges and explore how to handle them effectively so you can focus on the real reason for the season!
To read more on this topic, check out my recent blog post, “Holiday Weight Gain Causes & Concerns” by clicking this link:
If you would like personal, customized help on your journey to nutritional health and food freedom with Cheryl Szarko, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Biblical Counselor, visit and schedule your appointment today!
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
Wednesday Dec 08, 2021
There’s more to holiday weight gain than you think! This is part 1 of 2 podcasts exploring the different holiday challenges, how they can lead to weight gain, and some concrete and easy steps you can take to prepare yourself for this holiday season’s challenges.
While holiday weight gain is not at all the worst thing (and most people experience it) it can cause a bit of a panic in those with a disordered relationship with food, eating, and their bodies as they anticipate the many eating occasions or perhaps as a result of them.
This episode explores the many forces that come together to lead us to consume more energy than we are using during this season, leading to holiday weight gain. I will show you some practical, sensible ways to prepare for and to combat these forces if that is what’s important to you.
We will touch on 3 main categories today, and we will do three more in next week’s podcast.
To read more on this topic, check out my recent blog post, “Holiday Weight Gain Causes & Concerns” by clicking this link:
If you would like personal, customized help on your journey to nutritional health and food freedom with Cheryl Szarko, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and Biblical Counselor, visit and schedule your appointment today!
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
You are probably hearing that you should be on a high protein diet. But does a high protein diet actually make you healthier? Will it help you lose weight? Do you need it to build more muscle?
All these questions will be answered and you will get all the information you need to make your informed protein-specific decisions.
Plus, you will hear an important protein fact that is sure to shock you!
This is part of a miniseries on macronutrients. You can find the episode on carbohydrates from 2 weeks ago, and you can look forward to one on fats next week.
Now, I want to get to know YOU better! What is it YOU want to know? What are YOUR questions and problems? Let me know by going to and going to the Question and Comment section. You can ask your questions by filling out the form OR you can record a voice message by pressing the Start Recording button.
Your recording or submitted question might appear on a future podcast where I give you the information you need!
To use the December 2021 50% OFF discount, go to and click on the Work With Me tab. Schedule your service by 12/31/21 and pay in full at the time of booking using the Discount Code: DECEMBER21 at checkout to get 50% OFF your entire purchase! Merry Christmas!
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
The Thanksgiving and holiday episode! Don't fear holiday weight gain and the after-holiday diet backlash. You can be prepared and prevent such problems with these 3 powerful and surprising solutions.
Although January 1st crash dieting is a common practice, you don't have to follow this path. You can enjoy your holiday meals and social events with these 3 tips.
How can you plan ahead and deal with holiday eating well? How can you prevent the mental backlash afterward that carries consequences to your mind and body? Tune in to find some powerful answers!
To get your FREE ebook "Eat, Enjoy, & Be Healthy Without Diets" at
You can also ask your questions for the podcast at Let me know what you'd like to hear.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
One of the first things people want to ask a nutrition professional is whether they have to give up "carbs." On this podcast episode, we will discuss what carbohydrates are, what they do, and whether we need to avoid them.
And I will answer the main question I hear on this topic: Will carbs make me gain weight? Join me as I share all you want and need to know about carbohydrates!
To get your FREE Holiday Carb Nutrition Bump Up (in the November 2021 newsletter), go to and scroll down to the "Subscribe to the Newsletter" form.
For more information on my services or to schedule a private appointment with me, go to
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
If your story is anything like mine, you may be starting to see that your relationship with food and eating is becoming a problem. Maybe it’s causing hardships in your life, relationships, behaviors, emotions, or even your faith. You know something is off, but you’re not quite sure what the problem is. It is possible you may be living with something called Disordered Eating.
Disordered Eating is somewhat less recognized and discussed than full-fledged Eating Disorders, but this doesn’t mean it isn’t life-altering and highly problematic. Disordered Eating is an unnatural and distorted way of thinking about and planning for eating episodes, as well as the resulting thoughts and feelings regarding food and eating. It can affect your emotions and your sense of value as a human being. Disordered Eating is also a common pathway to a diagnosable eating disorder.
In this episode, I will discuss what Disordered Eating is, signs you may have this tendency, and 3 helpful steps to take on your journey to freedom from Disordered Eating!
You can read more about this topic in my recent blog post, “What is Disordered Eating” at
For detailed help on learning to eat by your God-given internal needs, sign up for the FREE ebook, “3 Steps to Guilt-Free Eating” at (look for the blue form). It will be delivered to your email so you can start on your own journey toward food freedom today!
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Can you really stop dieting and be healthier? Well, yes, you can! Today we will discuss 5 steps to food freedom and why dieting and food rules do not equal health. True health must consider the soul and spirit as well as the body. Living with restrictive food rules does not usually accomplish this.
There are so many food and eating rules we are told we have to live by. Whether this is for the continual push for weight loss and getting to the ideal body size or for health improvement for yourself and your family, such demanding rules do not deliver what they promise. In fact, they often are detrimental to whole-person health!
Sign up here for your free ebook, "3 Steps to Guilt-Free Eating" delivered straight to your email:
To read about my journey to food freedom, go to the blog post here:
Please let me know what you think! If you have questions or comments for the podcast, please submit them here: Your questions could appear on a future episode!
Get real talk about the struggle of and solutions for dealing with disordered eating as Christians.